Parasitic infestations are quite a common problem for humans as well as other species. The most dreaded and probably most commonly discussed of these parasites would be worms. Worms are a common problem for humans across the world and can affect any of us irrespective of age or gender, but the problem is most prevalent among toddlers and children. Worm infestations can in most cases be treated quite easily and effectively with medicated intestinal worms treatments. Worm infestations may not always pose a serious direct risk, but they can cause some serious complications if neglected that may even be life threatening. This is why the problem of parasitic worms should always be treated very seriously.

Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy season. Children are more often infested with intsestinal worms than adults. Intestinal parasites are typically classified into two categories - helminths and protozoa. Helminths are multi-cellular worms, while protozoa are single celled organisms. Tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms are some of the most common intestinal worms and are helminths. Parasites in this group cannot multiply once they are adults inside of the human body. Protozoa on the other hand being single celled organisms can multiply rapidly posing severe problems and causing infections to develop. The problem of intestinal worms is prevalent across the world, but the incidence and severity of infestations does show a definite geographic pattern that is explained by the causes and conditions in which parasites thrive. Areas with lower standards of hygiene or over population and so on are high risk zones because the primary method by which intestinal parasitic worms are transmitted would be through contact with or consumption of infected food or water. Food and water can easily be contaminated with infected feces in conditions where hygiene standards are low, which is generally the case among overpopulated or low economic groups.
Parasitic worms could include both stomach worms and intestinal worms. Human intestinal parasite worms are worms that populate the gastro intestinal tract primarily, but they can also live in other parts of the body. The main causes of infection or risks of exposure include the consumption of undercooked meat, contaminated water and through skin absorption. Meat is just one of the many sources however and intestinal worm infestations could be caused from consuming almost any fruit or vegetable if the foods are consumed raw and are not washed thoroughly before consumption. Direct skin contact with contaminated soil can also cause infection as larvae present in the soil get transferred onto your skin. When you come in contact with contaminated soil or other contaminated objects the larvae can be transferred from your hands to your food or other objects, eventually contaminating food and being ingested. This is why children tend to be most vulnerable to parasitic worms as kids pay little attention to hygiene and do not grasp the implications of their behavior. Once ingested the organisms move into the intestines and soon begin to feed and reproduces, causing the typical symptoms of intestinal worms to develop over time. Children need to be reminded to wash their hands thoroughly with a sterilizing soap after playing outdoors as they could come in contact with contaminants in the environment. Intestinal worms are a very big problem in developing countries because of the high levels of poverty, overpopulation and a general lack of hygiene. Travelers visiting such countries are therefore advised to follow strict health care practices and to always drink bottled water.
Intestinal Worms Symptoms
Diarrhoea, Foul Breath, Dark Circles Under the Eyes
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anaemia, and headachesInflammation of the Intestine and Lungs, Nausea, Vomiting
Round-worms may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness, and irritability.Anaemia and Nutritional Disorders, Constipation, Loss of Weight
Threadworms may cause intense itching in the area around the rectum. They may also cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough, and fever. Hookworms may give rise to anaemia and nutritional disorders.The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water.There are more specific intestinal worms symptoms and stomach worms symptoms however depending on the type of worm infestation being dealt with. Here is some information on the different types of intestinal worms, as well as the symptoms they produce.
In the United States this is the most common type of parasitic worm causing infections and is also commonly known as the threadworm. Pinworm, just like most other parasitic worms can infect anyone, but children are at a higher risk, with over a quarter of the world’s child population being infected with pinworm.These are small and white worms that measure just half an inch. Ingestion of contaminated substances is the main source of infection and the symptoms develop half a month or a month after ingestion of the larvae. This is when female worms move to the rectal area and begin laying around 15,000 eggs a day. This causes itching and irritation of the anus.
There are different species of this parasitic worm, but in the United States the most common of this variety would be Necator americanus. It is estimated that up to a fifth of the world’s population is infected with hookworm. This intestinal worm infestation is most prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas.Hookworms can be transmitted through the consumption of contaminated foods and also through direct contact with soil or contaminated objects as hookworm larvae can actually penetrate the skin directly, entering the bloodstream to eventually end up in the small intestine. Children are again at a much higher risk as compared to adults because of their tendency to play in mud and sand and to walk about bare footed.
A hookworm parasite infestation can cause symptoms like irritation at the point of entry and some other symptoms like weight loss and anemia because of the loss of nutrients and also abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Roundworms may not be horribly common in the United States, but it is the most common cause of parasitic infections across the world and is most common in tropical and subtropical regions. In the United States most cases of roundworm infection are reported from rural areas. Children are again more susceptible to roundworm infestations.Ingestion of the worms is source of infections, but an infection will often not produce any symptoms. Severe cases of roundworm infestation could however cause symptoms like abdominal pain and very slow weight gain. Severe cases can also cause complications like a blockage of the intestines.
Although tapeworms are prevalent in pets like dogs and cats, transmitted through ingesting fleas infected with the larvae, humans can also get infected, but the risk of infection is very low. Pets pose no risk as it can only be passed on through ingesting an infected flea.Tapeworms in humans generally cause no symptoms but it is possible that you may notice fine whitish rice like particles in the stool.
Intestinal Worms Causes
Contaminated Food, Dirty Fingers and Food
Roundworms are caused by eating contaminated food. Threadworms may enter the body from dirty fingers and food.
Enter the Human Body through Bare Foot
Hookworms enter the human body through bare foot walking on infected earth. Tapeworms are transmitted to the body through undercooked flesh foods or foods contaminated by dogs.
Faulty Living
The real cause of intestinal worms, however, is faulty living. The eggs of these worms, taken into the human body through food, and water, can breed in the intestines only if they find there a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter.
Home Remedies for Intestinal Worms
Intestinal Worms treatment using Coconut
Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewarm milk after three hours. This process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Garlic
Garlic has been used from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Babylonians for expelling intestinal worms. It is still used by modern medical practitioners for the same purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its administration was to place a couple of cloves fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walked, the cloves got crushed, and the worm-killing garlic oil was absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines easily, as it possessed a powerful penetrative force. This ancient method is worth a trial by those who do no not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it. Those who can eat raw garlic, however, should chew three cloves of garlic every morning.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Carrot
Carrots are valuable in the elimination of threadworms among children as they are offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Papaya
The digestive enzyme papain in the milky juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful agent for destroying roundworms. A tablespoon of the fresh juice of an unripe papaya, and an equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days if necessary. For children between seven to ten years of age, half the above doses should be given. For children under three years, a tablespoon is sufficient. Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The seeds should be powdered and taken in doses of one teaspoon with one cup of milk or water daily in the morning on an empty stomach. The alkaloid carpaine found in papaya leaves also has the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. An infusion can be made by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 15 gm of dry leaves. This can be taken with honey.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Pomegranate
The bark, both of the root and the stems of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The bark of the root is, however, preffered as it contains a greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the bark of the stem. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. A cold decoction of the bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given in quantities of 90 to 180 ml three times, at intervals of one hour, to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is also used for expelling tapeworms.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Pumpkin
The seeds of ripe pumpkin are useful in intestinal worms, especially tapeworms. One tablespoon of the seeds should be peeled and crushed, and then infused in 250 ml of boiling water and drunk. This will kill the parasites and help in expelling the tapeworms. It will be necessary to fast for a day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dry prunes. The next day, three or four tumblers of the pumpkin seed infusion should be taken.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Wormwood
The herb wormwood is an ancient cure for expelling intestinal worms. It was extensively used by the Greeks and Romans for this purpose. The flowering tops have been and are, to this day, largely used in the Tibbi (Unani) system of medicine in India as a drug to kill intestinal worms. They are usually powdered and given in eight to sixteen gram doses daily for roundworms and tapeworms. The oil distilled from this plant also possesses the property to kill worms.It should be mixed with olive oil, the latter being eight times the weight of the former.This mixture can be given in doses of 50 to 100 ml for this purpose. An infusion of the herb can also be prepared by mixing 2 ml of wormwood oil in 120 ml of water, and be given as an enema for killing worms in the rectum.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Belleric Myroblan
The herb belleric myroblan, mixed with the seeds of the herb butea ( palas ) on a 50:50 basis is an excellent anthelmintic. It should be given in doses of one teaspoon thrice a day. It helps remove all intestinal parasites. The seeds of butea can also be administered alone with beneficial results in expelling intestinal worms. One teaspoon of seeds may be given either in the form of powder or paste with one teaspoon of honey, thrice daily. They are specially beneficial in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Vasaka
The leaves, bark, rout-bark, fruit, and the flowers of vasaka tree also help in removing intestinal parasites. A decoction of the root and bark can be prepared by boiling 30 gm of the root and bark in 500 ml of water, till it is reduced by one-third. This decoction may be given in doses of 30ml twice or thrice daily for two or three days. The juice of the fresh leaves can also be used in doses of a teaspoon thrice a day for three days.
Intestinal Worms treatment using Calamus
Another valuable remedy for expelling intestinal worms is the herb calamus. The bitter element in this herb, acorin, is an anthelmintic.
Home Remedies for Intestinal Worms
Although there are plenty of intestinal worms remedies some of which may even be effective it is best to seek treatment for a doctor as an accurate diagnosis of the type of worms is essential. Intestinal worms in children should be treated particularly seriously as inappropriate or ineffective treatments and neglecting the condition can have more lasting consequences because of the effects on growth. This holds true for stomach worms in kids as well with medical treatment being the priority.
Intestinal Worms Diet
Fresh-Fruit Diet
The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on an exclusive fresh-fruit diet for four or five days.
Well-Balanced Diet
Thereafter, he may adopt a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk, and wholemeal bread.
Exclude Fatty Foods Such as Cream, Oil, Butter
The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, and all flesh foods.
Short Fast of Raw Fruit and Vegetable Juices
In some cases, the all-fruit diet may have to he repeated at intervals and in obstinate cases, the patient should resort to a short fast of raw fruit and vegetable juices.
Other Intestinal Worms Treatment
Warm-Water Enema
During the all-fruit or fasting period, the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm-water enema.
The blog is very nice by having the info regarding the home remedies for worms which are present in the intestine along with its terms, Really it helps to control the worms in a natural manner.. Thank you.