Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disorder caused by a hormonal problem, which may cause a variety of symptoms in women. In this condition, there are a number of cysts in the ovaries and these cysts vary in size. There are a number of reasons because of which these cysts could be present in the ovaries. The incidence of this disorder is rather large and it is known that almost 5% to 10% of women experience polycystic syndrome and this disorder remains the largest cause of infertility.
Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeSince the cysts are found in the ovaries, the characteristic symptoms are those that involve disturbances in the menstrual cycle. There can be a delay in the normal menstruation and you may even miss a cycle now and then. In some cases, the menstrual cycles no longer remain associated with ovulation, leading to heavy bleeding and eventual loss of blood. There can be excessive hair growth on the body, acne, and elevated androgen levels which cause obesity and sudden gain in weight.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome may also cause an increase in the insulin levels. The skin becomes very oily and there may be dandruff in the hair. If you are not able to conceive after trying for a long time, it could be a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
The exact cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome is not known. However, there is a possibility of the involvement of many different factors which can be both inherited and environmental. Gene mutations might play a major role in this disorder but the extent of this has not yet been determined. Some women have cysts in their ovaries but do not experience any symptoms. It is therefore understood that the cysts themselves have no role in causing in problems.
It has been seen that women who have insulin resistance or elevated insulin in the bloodstream, are more prone to developing polycystic ovarian syndrome. The condition may also be caused when the ovaries of a woman produces male hormones, known as androgens, in excessive amounts. Another hormone that may cause polycystic ovarian syndrome is lutropin. Lutropin is a hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland and the ovaries. The problem occurs when this hormone is present excessively in the bloodstream. If a woman has chronic inflammation in the body, it can also lead to development of cysts and eventually polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
There are several home remedies for polycystic ovarian syndrome. However, most of these help in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder and not the disorder itself.
Exercising everyday can help you regulate hormones. For this purpose, yoga has been found to be excellent. To balance the hormones, you can also spend some time in the sunlight. Sunlight can also help remedy the excess production of hormones. Acupuncture is a tried and tested alternative treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome and it is believed that acupuncture can give good results.
Diet for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Try to include whole grains in your diet. This will help you keep the weight gain in check. Lots of water and high fiber content can also be included in the diet. Increase your calcium intake too.
Other Suggestions for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
You may need individualized treatments for this condition and therefore do not hesitate in talking to your doctor about it. If you have trouble conceiving, your doctor may suggest some alternative methods of having a baby.
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