Moles are bumps or plain spots on the skin, which are usually round or oval in shape. These moles can be small or large and can be found anywhere on the body. In fact, they also come in different colors. While most moles are black or brown in color, you can also find moles which are red, pink, or the color of your skin. These moles can either be present singly or in clusters. Everyone in the world has moles on their body. In fact, an average person is considered to have at least 50 moles on the body.
Moles can be flat on the skin or raised. A lot of moles that are raised may have hairs sprouting out of them. Though this may seem unusual, it is quite normal. When on the face, they can look unsightly—especially when they become large or occur in clusters. Moles are of different colors and sizes. However, they are usually circular in shape.
Causes of Moles
We are all born with moles. In fact, right at the time of birth, we have all the moles that we can ever have. Most of these moles are not visible at the time of birth but darken as we grow older. These moles are formed when a collection of melanocytes, small glands which create melanin (the pigment that gives color to the skin), become over active. These melanocytes are present all over the body and create pigments that give the skin its color and save it from harmful ultra violet rays. However, when these melanocytes are formed in clusters, they are known as a mole.
Home Remedies for Moles
Since skin moles are very common, they are usually not removed. However, if they are especially large or unsightly, people may want them to be removed. There are several ways of removing moles. However, the removal has to be done carefully or these moles may leave scars behind. There are many medical ways of removing moles from the body. However, there are also some home remedies which can be used to remove moles naturally.
Make a poultice out of ground coriander. You can apply this poultice on the skin on specific moles. When you keep applying this poultice for some days, the moles may begin to lighten. Sour apples are also another remedy for moles. Extract the juice of these apples and apply it on the mole several times during the day. If you have a raised mole on your skin, applying the juice of sour apples can thin the mole and ultimately the mole may fade away.
Diet for Moles
Potassium is an excellent remedy for the removal of moles. In fact, consuming foods rich in potassium can help you get rid of warts and other blemishes on the skin. Apple cider vinegar is a rich source of potassium and therefore should be consumed everyday. You can add a spoon of apple cider vinegar to your food everyday, if you can’t consume a spoonful otherwise.
Other Suggestions for Moles
Laser treatment can be used to remove large moles. This is a non-invasive procedure and has the least chance of leaving scars as compared to other surgical removal methods.
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