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Monday, January 17, 2011

Home Remedies for Frequent Urination

By on 8:00 AM

It is important to first identify how you define frequent urination. Is there an excessive amount of urine passed during urination or is it many visits to the bathroom, but reduced or normal output of urine. Excessive urination can refer to an increased amount of urine, increased attempts to urinate, urinary dribbling, weak urination, difficulty to start urinating or poly urea.

Symptoms of Frequent Urination

The symptoms that are seen with frequent urination are too many to list, but some of the more common ones are pain, irritation, fatigue, and change in color, texture, or consistency of urine. It can affect your sleep, your sexual and social life, as well as increase thirst and alter hunger and food intake.

Causes of Frequent Urination

Frequent urination can indicate a lot of medical conditions. One of the conditions that it indicates is diabetes. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is a condition, also called juvenile diabetes or insulin diabetes, wherein there is reduced or no production of insulin in the body. In type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond to the functioning of insulin. It is also called insulin resistance. Diabetes insipidus is not a common sugar diabetes, but rather a metabolic disorder that involves the pancreas and kidneys. Frequent urination may also be a symptom of the following.

Urinary Tract Infections: This is a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. It is more common in women than in men.

Interstitial Cystitis: This bladder condition causes pain and irritation in the bladder and pelvic area. It is disease that is confusing and difficult to diagnose.

Nephritis: This is when the kidneys are inflamed. Its symptoms include cloudy, reduced or bloody urine, swelling of legs and pain in the loins.

Prostrate Conditions: This is a condition that affects the internal prostrate organs of the male, which makes the fluid that is combined with sperms to make semen. It is characterized by urinary hesitancy, weak urination, urinary leakage, blockage or urgency.

Home remedies for Frequent Urination

Women can benefit considerably by consuming one teaspoonful of magnesium hydroxide everyday. Magnesium hydroxide is found in the milk of magnesia and is a good medication. Men, on the other hand, can benefit from an herb called Saw palmetto. It is especially helpful if the cause for frequent urination is related to the prostrate glands. One capsule (320mg) a day is the recommended dosage; however, it is best to consult a doctor.

Diet for Frequent Urination

In general, people who suffer from frequent urination should eat a lot of fresh yogurt, which is preferably unflavored. Yogurt contains lactobacillus hydrophilus that prevents the invasion of bacteria into your body. An increased intake of water during the day, reducing the intake slowly toward the night, is also helpful. It is important to understand that increased or frequent urination is not connected to water consumption, so this should not be cut down, in fact quite the opposite. Cranberry juice helps in the treatment of urinary tract infections and should be consumed regularly.

Other suggestions for Frequent Urination

Train your bladder to control urination with kegel exercises. This is done by contracting and relaxing your bladder for 5 seconds at a time. This should be done in at least a set of ten. This exercise can be done when you are in any position.


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Home Remedies