Respiratory disease is a vast term used for diseases of the respiratory system which includes the air passage, nasal passages, trachea, lungs, pleural cavity, bronchial tubes and the nerves and muscles involved in the breathing process.
Respiratory Diseases SymptomsSigns and symptoms of respiratory disease largely depend on the type of respiratory disease. However common signs include -
- Shortness of breath with mild physical activity, also known as dyspnea. This symptom can interfere with many routine daily activities as in severe cases it can occur even while resting
- Wheezing and coughing which is generally severe at night,
- Haemoptysis or blood in cough
- Drowsiness
- Appetite loss
- Unexplained weight loss
- Chest pain, mild to severe, and
- Cyanosis
Causes of respiratory disease shall vary according to the type of disease, but generally include genetic predisposition, lifestyle and environmental factors.
Respiratory Diseases Home Remedies
Home remedies for respiratory diseases are very effective to treat many symptoms of respiratory diseases, and you could try a few effective remedies listed below -
- Increase your fluid intake – This is important especially during an episode of infection and hot seasons. Increased fluid intake will not only help to keep you hydrated but will also help the release of mucous production. This will help eliminate the thickening of mucous and associated congestion. People with low water intake will experience sticky and thick mucous secretions and their risk of getting an infection will also be high. Increasing your water or fluid intake will also offer other health benefits from food digestion to avoiding constipation.
- The best home remedy for cold and cough which is the most common and basic symptom of respiratory disorder is salt water gargles. This remedy may provide double relief as it can help soothe your irritating throat and get rid of mucous that coats and irritates the sensitive throat membranes.
- Use a humidifier in your room to increase humidity in the environment. A steamy warm water shower or steam from boiling water can also be equally beneficial.
Diet for Respiratory Diseases
A healthy balanced diet can significantly improve a person’s health, including the respiratory system health. Breathing, like any other function in the body requires fuel in the form of healthy food for normalcy to be maintained in its functioning. Listed below are some diet tips that can improve your respiratory health -
- Obesity or excess weight is always linked to many respiratory diseases including sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Excess weight can exert pressure on the heart and lungs to work harder in order to supply oxygen to all parts of the body. Obesity can also result in poor lung clearance and lung expansion which can lead to atelectasis and in general poor lung function. Thus maintaining your ideal body weight becomes a prerequisite if you have any respiratory disorder or disease.
- As dyspenea is a common symptom of respiratory diseases many people will avoid exercising and decrease their physical activity which in turn can lead to weakening of the muscles. Thus a diet that is high in good quality proteins should be emphasized. A well balanced diet comprising largely of fish, sea food, skinless poultry, egg whites, lean meats, sprouts, soy and low fat dairy products should be consumed.
- Food additives like monosodium glutamate, sulphites and tartarzine have been identified as being probable major risk factors for many respiratory disorders. So avoid the intake of foods containing these, as far as possible.
- Simple carbohydrates in the form of sugar and refined cereals and grains should be avoided and the focus should be on whole grains, cereals and its products and fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Decrease the quantity of fat in your diet and make sure to watch the quality of fat you eat. The consumption of saturated fats, trans fats and omega6 fatty acids should be minimal.
- Salt consumption should not exceed 5 to 6 gm per day. This is because excess sodium in the body can increase circulating blood volume which can reduce the lung function further.
Other Suggestions for Respiratory Diseases
- Stop smoking. Also avoid exposure to second hand smoke as far as possible.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Avoid any kind of stress.
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