In today’s fast paced lifestyle, nutrition tends to take the backseat and convenience foods take centre stage.
However, we shall help you in making quick recipes which are also nutritious, so that these can support your body and health even in a hectic lifestyle.
Contrary to popular belief, healthy recipes are not those which are only low in calories or fat on their own.
A low fat recipe may have very high amounts of sugar, which will still give you plenty calories! Healthy recipes are basically those which are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol but provide a moderate to good amount of protein and fiber. These recipes should also provide for adequate vitamins and minerals of various kinds for optimizing the body’s functions.
Recipes can be modified according to various ailments and conditions, so that everyone can eat healthy as well as tasty.
Healthy cooking need not be a chore! By making a few changes in your regular ingredients and style of cooking, you can make healthy and delicious food.
Low / medium carbohydrate and low glycemic index recipes are useful for people with elevated blood glucose levels.
Carbohydrates are mainly converted to glucose for energy and this glucose is released into the blood. Thus recipes with complex carbs (whole grains, cereals) should be included and recipes with simple carbs (sugar, molasses, syrup, jam, jellies) should be avoided.
Breakfast being the most important meal of the day, should not be neglected! Breakfast can also be colorful and interesting with these quick, nutritious recipes which your entire family will love! Salads are a wonderful way of including your favorite fruits, veggies and nuts in your meals.
Salad recipes with heavy dressings such as mayonnaise and cheese can be substituted with recipes containing cottage cheese and herbs/spices as dressings. Not a meat eater? Not a problem at all.
You will find lots of vegetarian recipes providing you with all the required nutrients in the form of exciting dishes!
Dinner is best kept light and best eaten at least 3-4 hours before you sleep. If you are wondering what to make for tonight’s dinner, look at some of our dinner recipes for inspiration! These recipes will be easy on your digestive system and keep you full till bedtime. Indulging in a treat occasionally need not make you feel guilty. Delicious desserts can be made from these dessert and cake recipes, which will be kind to your waistline and still yummy to eat!
Adopt healthy eating as a part of your lifestyle. These few changes via healthy recipes will go a long way in preserving your health!
Breakfast being the most important meal of the day, should not be neglected! Breakfast can also be colorful and interesting with these quick, nutritious recipes which your entire family will love! Salads are a wonderful way of including your favorite fruits, veggies and nuts in your meals.
Salad recipes with heavy dressings such as mayonnaise and cheese can be substituted with recipes containing cottage cheese and herbs/spices as dressings. Not a meat eater? Not a problem at all.
You will find lots of vegetarian recipes providing you with all the required nutrients in the form of exciting dishes!
Dinner is best kept light and best eaten at least 3-4 hours before you sleep. If you are wondering what to make for tonight’s dinner, look at some of our dinner recipes for inspiration! These recipes will be easy on your digestive system and keep you full till bedtime. Indulging in a treat occasionally need not make you feel guilty. Delicious desserts can be made from these dessert and cake recipes, which will be kind to your waistline and still yummy to eat!
Adopt healthy eating as a part of your lifestyle. These few changes via healthy recipes will go a long way in preserving your health!