Scabies is a commonly occurring skin condition in which the skin becomes extremely irritated and itchy. This condition is caused due to an itchy mite named sarcoptes scabiei. These are microscopic eight legged mites that burrow deep into the skin. Their burrowing action causes intense itching and some times due to regular scratching, the site may even become a sore. Usually the itching becomes a lot worse at night because these are nocturnal mites and work mostly in the night.
Scabies is associated with characteristic skin rashes which are made up of tiny red bumps. These bumps can appear anywhere on the body but are usually present on the wrists, close to the elbows, waist, knees, around the nipples feet buttocks and genitals. Sometimes, these tiny red bumps often become crusted with blood. A small number of mites may cause hundreds of rashes all over the body. If there is a scabies infection in children or infants, the rashes may appear on the neck, face, palms and soles of the feet. As the mites burrow and tunnel around, thin brown and red colored lines may begin to appear. These lines are thread like projections.
Causes of Scabies
Scabies is caused by mites that live off in the body of their hosts only for about 24-36 hours. These mites are transferred from one person to another because of close contact. The transmission of scabies is especially frequent in young people who are sexually active.
Home Remedies for Scabies
A paste made from the leaves of the neem tree can be used to treat scabies. The neem tree belongs to the mahogany family and is found in many of the Asian countries, especially India. A paste can be made with either fresh or dried neem leaves. To this, mix, add an equal amount of turmeric powder and make a paste using mustard oil. This paste can be applied topically to the affected areas. Let the paste remain for about an hour and then wash it off. Apply this paste several times till your lesions and rashes are completely healed.
Another effective home remedy is the juice of drumstick leaves. Extract the juice from about 400-500 drumsticks and mix an equal amount of sesame oil to it. Boil this solution till the time all the water dries up. Apply this thick solution to the affected areas everyday.
Diet for Scabies
If a person is being treated for scabies, the diet should contain only light foods. Fresh citrus fruits are the best for this condition. Apple, pear, peaches, pineapple, and oranges can be included in the diet. You should also consume fresh fruit juices if you are suffering from scabies. This will help you improve immunity.
Other Suggestions for Scabies
If someone in a household is suffering from scabies, other members of the family should also be treated for it so that there is no chance of re-infestation. Everyone should be treated simultaneously so that the scabies mites are not transmitted again.
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