Liver disease is any kind of disorder which may cause damage to the liver or a disruption of its functioning. The liver is a critical part of the digestive system and any injury or disease to this organ may result in severe illnesses. Apart from being a vital organ, the liver is also a gland which produces vital hormones and enzymes that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Diseases of the liver are collectively known as hepatic diseases.
There are many different kinds of ailments which may affect the functioning of the liver. However, a disease is characterized as a liver disease if it affects more than 75% of the liver tissues.
Symptoms of Liver Disease
• Different liver ailments may cause different symptoms in the body. However, the primary symptoms of liver disease are vomiting, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen, and a discoloration and yellowing of the body, including the whites of the eyes.
• Jaundice is usually the strongest indicator of liver damage. The yellow color of the skin is imparted due to the elevated levels of bilirubin. If the liver is not working properly, digestion becomes partial and may cause other bodily symptoms like fatigue and restlessness. There may also be deviations from normal bowel movement patterns.
• Since the metabolism is severely affected, a person may lose a lot of weight. There are many other symptoms of various liver conditions. However, these are specific to the diseases that cause them. If liver failure is not treated properly, it may lead to complete liver failure and a liver transplant may be necessary to help the patient survive.
• Some of the other symptoms of liver disease are impotence, confusion and disorientation, itching and breaking of the skin due to bile salts, enlargement of the breasts, wasting of muscles, accumulation of ascites, easy bruising, and a marked decreased in the production of factors which help in clotting.

Causes of Liver Disease
There are various reasons why the liver may become damaged or diseased. An inflammation caused due to a bacterial infection or an injury may cause infection and damage to the liver.
• Stones in the gall bladder often obstruct the normal flow of bile, causing unnecessary accumulation and ultimately infection. In case of a stone in the gall bladder, cholesterol and triglycerides may also begin to accumulate in the liver. This is one of the major causes of infection and liver damage.
• Injuries can restrict or obstruct blood flow to the liver, causing the liver to malfunction. Chemicals or an over consumption of minerals may also cause the liver cells to get damaged.
• Some of the other common causes of liver disease are liver cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, liver destruction due to excess drug intake, and infectious viruses like hepatitis.
Home Remedies for Liver Disease
Some of the simple home remedies to take care of your liver include the regular practice of yoga and regular detoxification.
• Carrot juice can help detoxify the liver on a regular basis. Eating a healthy diet is also essential in order to keep the liver healthy.
Diet for Liver Disease
A diet rich in vitamins A and C is the best for keeping your liver healthy. However, if the liver is diseased, the doctor will prepare a meal chart for you specifying which foods you can and cannot consume.
Other Suggestions for Liver Disease
Liver disease is a serious and potentially life threatening ailment, so you should strictly follow the treatment that has been prescribed by your doctor.
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